• Maskew Miller Longman calls for drama entries for its annual literature awards competition


    Maskew Miller Longman calls for

    drama entries for its annual literature awards competition

    Leading South African educational publisher, Maskew Miller Longman, is calling for entries for its 2012 Literature Awards, which will be for youth dramas.

    Each year Maskew Miller Longman runs an award for writing in all South Africa’s official languages. The award aims to stimulate the further development of local literature in all the eleven official South African languages. Now in its fifth year, the annual awards have gone from strength to strength, with several hundred entries received each year. This year the judges are looking forward to reading many interesting and topical dramas that will captivate the hearts and minds of today’s youth.

    We are especially proud that all the titles published as a result of the competition are written by South African authors who know how to capture the imaginations of South Africa’s youth.  The calibre of the competition is underscored by the fact that several finalists of the Maskew Miller Longman Literature Awards have also gone on to win M-Net Literary Awards.

    Authors and playwrights have just over 5 months to enter their dramas for consideration, with entries closing on Sunday, 30 April 2011. The call to entry and entry forms will be sent to all members of the South African Publishers Association, but entry forms are also available online at www.mml.co.za and by contacting Anthea Variend on (021) 532 6000 or antheav@mml.co.za.

    The winner and runners-up in each category respectively receive R7 500 and R3 500 each. All winning entries will be published. An entry form must accompany entries.

    For more information about the Maskew Miller Longman Literature Awards, visit www.mml.co.za

    Sharon Hughes. Marketing Director: SA Schools, Maskew Miller Longman

    Ph: +27 21 532 6186 Fax: +27 21 531 0716
    email: SHughes@mml.co.za

    Categories: Issue II