

    Teaching English Today

    A project of the English Academy of Southern Africa


    This is to let you know that the latest issue of Teaching English Today has gone live.

    To access this edition, click on TET VOLUME 14 NUMBER 2 on the top left of the site.

    Warm regards

    Malcolm Venter

    (Dr Malcolm Venter)

    EDITOR: Teaching English Today



    We once again invite teachers, teacher trainers, departmental officials, personnel at English-related organizations and other educationists to

    (a) Send in suggestions / issues that you would like to have featured.

    (b) Submit articles of any length on aspects of teaching English in schools (both practical and theoretical), teaching tips (which can be anything from 50 – 500 words), information about teaching resources, for publication.

    (c) Give us news about related organizations and advertisements for courses, seminars, etc. These we will publish free of charge.

    Please send your contributions at any time but by at least 30 October 2024 to: drv@worldonline.co.za.

    Please forward this message to anyone who may be interested.